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The following should be a nearly complete list of the games that use the Stratagus engine, their current status, and a quick download link if available. Go to the corresponding website for more info or if you want to contribute.

All games must be run with their specified version of Stratagus, other versions will not work!


Wargus uses the data from the Warcraft II CD's (DOS CD's only) and has similar gameplay. This was the first data set used by stratagus.
Status: Playable, all features from the original game.
Activity: Complete, maintained by the Stratagus team.
Download: Download page


Stargus uses the data from the Starcraft I CD and will eventually have similar gameplay.
Status: Playable although the features are limited.
Activity: Actively maintained.
Download: Download page

Bos Wars (formerly Battle of Survival)

Bos Wars is a real-time strategy game set in the future. It has high-quality graphics and sounds.
NOTE: Newer versions use a modified version of the Stratagus engine which can be obtained from the Bos Wars website.
Status: Functional and expanding.
Activity: Actively maintained.
Download: Download page

Kingdom of Beasts

Kingdom of beasts (KoB) is a Fantasy, Medieval, Real time Strategy Game. using Stratagus as game-engine. KoB will be different (in some way) than the other rts games. Kingdom of Beasts (Kob) will use big units and when you upgrade them there look and stats will change. Kob will have 5 or so races with over 6 units in maximum. the races willl try to be different then the other games.
Status: Currently not playable.
Activity: Actively maintained.
Download: Please visit website.

World Domination

World Domination is a WW2 style RTS inspired by the board game Axis and Allies
Status: Playable, No AI so LAN play works best. Binary is distributed with download package.
Activity: Actively maintained.
Download: Please visit website.


A futuristic space game featuring an interstellar conflict between several civilizations.
Status: Playable on 2.1.
Activity: Moderate.
Download: Yes

Battle for Mandicor

Battle for Mandicor is a free real-time strategy (RTS) game.
Status: Playable (Source contained in package)
Activity: Actively maintained.
Download: Yes

Aleona's Tales

Aleona's Tales is a real-time strategy game taking part in the fantasy world of Aleona. It will recycle some data used in the old FcMP project.
Status: Currently not playable.
Activity: None.
Download: No


A game in a science fiction world, you have to terraform an alien planet while fighting your way with enemy AI.
Status: Currently not playable.
Activity: None.
Download: No

Acorn Hunt

Become the leader of the Gerbils, Mice, or other creatures in a race to hoard nuts, build towns, and have fun! Watch out for Foxes, Hawks, and other nasty creatures. Get help from rolling Armadillos, stinking Skunks and many other creatures.
Status: Currently not playable.
Activity: None.
Download: No


Explore a strange new world in this exciting Anime-style RTS. With sentient beings that grow on plants, gaseous creatures, underground mining, and domestication of creatures, this new RTS will allow exciting Gameplay Options such as Flag King.
Status: Currently not playable.
Activity: None.
Download: No

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